The Ergon Inc Life Centre is a not-for-profit organization that is operated by Ergon Inc. The aim of the life centre is to provide a first-class therapeutic service that operates in collaboration with the Community Mental Health Clinic and Department of Social Development. The Life Centre provides responsive support and training needs to individuals in all areas across the lifespan.
Utilizing a client centered approach, the staff at the Ergon Inc Life Centre will aim to support members in their individual recovery journey. Staff will work diligently with members in one on one and group settings to provide the most comprehensive support possible. Members will work with support staff to identify individual goals and develop action plans to best assist all members in their journey.
The Life Centre staff utilizes an individualized model to ensure programming is tailored to individual needs. Members will be able to work one on one with staff in our ACTION program, or they may choose to participate in group programming such as Life Skills or Wellness Activity Programs.
If employment is a desired goal, the life centre staff will be able to provide you with Skills for Success©, Employability Training and Pre-Employment Training. All employment based programming is designed with the ultimate goal of community based and competitive employment.
Whatever you choose, we believe that we are in a prime position to assist you in your recovery journey.
Life Skills
Our Life Skills Programming is designed to provide a supportive learning environment for individuals living with a mental illness or experiencing poor mental health, while continuing their personal journey towards recovery. Members can access a variety of topics to enhance their wellness, while learning new ways to maximize their potential and achieve a greater personal satisfaction. The Life Skills Program has a direct focus, not only on positive mental health but as well as mental illness recovery. This allows for strong peer support among members and one on one guidance from its coordinator.
The Life Skills Programming is dedicated to covering a wide range of topics such as:
Improving Communication Skills
Appropriate Behavioral and Social Skills
Crisis Management
Recovery Skills
Personal Wellness
Financial Wellness
Resource Navigation
Wellness Activities
The Wellness Activities program has been designed to be centered around the members individual needs with a recovery-based focus. Our activities program strives to inspire creativity, teach social and life skills, foster relationships and empower members to take charge of their journey to recovery. Some of the activities are:
Walking Group: Socializing and enjoying what Mother Nature has to offer in our area.
Men's Group: Men's group focuses on navigating life as a man with mental illness in the 21st century.
Women's Group: Women's group focuses on self-care,empowerment, and quality relationships with other women. We combine discussion-based activities with artistic activities and other coping skills.
Cooking: Cooking focuses on teaching members budget friendly meals, while teaching basic cooking skills such as knife skills, cooking meat and making sauces.
Arts and Crafts: Arts and Crafts provides and therapeutic environment for members to explore their creativity and express their journey to mental wellness.
ACTION: Book a one on one with one of our Human Services Counsellor to help you define and discovery goals and the paths your will take to achieve them.
Enjoy our lounge with a good book and a coffee, watch Netflix or enjoy one of our many DVDs, a lending library for books and DVDs, board games and puzzles.
W.A.S.P (Wellness Action Support Plan) is a member driven, staff guided journey to personalized goals and self-discovery. During this session, members will work individually with support staff to develop a personalized, goal based action plan. A members support plan may include:
Emotional Triggers
Support Structure
Coping Skills
Measuring and Identifying Stress Levels
S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting
Overcoming Personal Barriers
Creating Community Connections
Staff will work diligently with the members to assist them in maintaining focus on their individual recovery journey.​

Ergon Support understands everyone has a goal they want to achieve for themselves, big or small. At Ergon we are there to help our clients identify, plan, and build the skills to achieve their individual goals. Success looks different for everyone, which means the path to get there needs to be created just for you; we can help with that.
How we do that:

Ergon Inc is a DSD licensed E.S.S.P (Employment & Support Services Program) agency offering employment based training through our Ergon WORKS program. Members are provided the opportunity to develop skills for employment sectors of personal interest and gain more financial independence. Our WORKS program utilizes a person centered approach with a focus on the employment first model. Members will gain access to personalized case planning, Skills for Success© Training, employability and pre-employment training along with one on one coaching and skills training. Members will complete the program with the skills needed to achieve their employment goals, offering them the opportunity for more independence and a better quality of living. Ergon WORKS programming is a 6 month employment training opportunity, with the possibility of an extension. Members will receive one on one case planning, pre-employment and employability education modules. The member will develop skills based upon their specific needs to achieve full knowledge of the sector they are interested in pursuing. Members will be given the opportunity for hands on experience in the field of their interest with local employers providing a more in depth understanding of the position. Members will be given the opportunity to work with our WORKS Coordinator on resume building, mock interviews, and preparing cover letters, along with access for follow ups once they are gainfully employed.

Individualized Support
One on one direct support to help give your client the motivation, confidence, and skills to not only achieve their current goals but for their future also.
Action Driven
Creating action based goals and milestones, with a complete monthly schedule of tasks, micro goals and desired outcomes for the purpose of achieving the client success one step at a time.
Case Planning
Goal oriented case planning with your client directly involved in its creation. Monthly follow ups to review successes, achievements, goal path, and barriers.
Personalized Success
While looking at individual barriers to achieving the goals, along with potential skill building opportunities, this will allow for the client and us to create personalized successes, for themselves in the shape of micro goals, milestones, and main goal achievement.